How to Define Your Personal Values (and a List of 75 Values)

Having a gear up of personal values volition make you a better human, and our experiences usually help us define them.

When I was in 12 th grade, I asked my dad if I could skip school with the other kids on Senior Skip Day. "Sure," he ­­said. "You can skip…all the way to school."

I was mad that I had to walk to schoolhouse that twenty-four hour period, just as I grew older, I realized he was making an of import statement.

My dad was trying to teach me the values of consistency and dependability. Today, I take my male parent to thank for the personal values I hold as a human.

I refer to these core values in times of both happiness and hardship.

These values are the magnets in my moral compass. They allow me to brand hard decisions with conviction…where many men might waiver.

Having values—and being able to define them—makes life easier.

If you are asking yourself what your personal values are just find yourself fumbling for an answer, don't fret.

Follow this uncomplicated, but in-depth, guide to help you define your personal values and hugely simply your life.

Why Every Man NEEDS Core Values + x Personal Values of History's Bully Men

A Man's Guide to Defining His Listing of Personal Core Values

This is the most complete guide available to aid yous define your personal values. If you're looking for something specific, like a list of values, use the tabular array of contents below:


What are Values?

If you find yourself asking the question "What are values?", don't stress. What might seem like a complicated concept is actually pretty uncomplicated.

Let'south refer to our friend Webster (the dictionary dude) for a working definition:

value /ˈvælju/

: a strongly held belief virtually what is valuable, of import, or acceptable

— usually plural

  • cultural/moral/religious values
  • traditional/conservative/liberal values
  • Her values were very different from mine.
  • America was founded on the values of freedom and justice for all.

And so, now it's clear that values are similar to beliefs. Near of the time, these values are expressed as nouns.

Tradition, liberty, wisdom…for instance.

These nouns are things you lot believe are valuable, of import, or acceptable (see definition higher up).

If you family unit (a noun) is important to y'all—something you can't live without—so family might exist 1 of your personal values.

Don't worry if you can't retrieve of any values nevertheless. Below, I'll requite you 75 examples of values to draw from.

Why Are Core Values Important?

why are personal values important comp

You may be the type of man who thinks that personal values are as well sentimental.

Y'all might say to yourself, "I don't demand values…I've got conviction and intelligence."

Simply you'd exist wrong.

You need values.

You need values to unclutter your life. Yous need values to know how to respond in tough situations. You lot demand values to forge lasting relationships with those around y'all.

Values are important because they act as a prepare of rules and guidelines for the events you encounter in life.

Life isn't black and white.

All men are thrust into tough situations from time to time…situations where the right thing to do isn't obvious. Knowing which values are most important to yous before these situations arise will aid you make ameliorate decisions.

Consider this scenario:

A coworker stole coin from your company to comprehend bills at home, and you caught him in the act. He explains that he has educatee loans and a new baby on the way, and promises he will supervene upon it once his commissions start rolling in. Your boss calls y'all into the office and asks if you know annihilation about the missing money.

A tough situation, right?

Not if yous've defined honesty equally one of your core values. (Honesty should be a part of anybody'south value list.)

Homo upwardly and tell your boss the truth, fifty-fifty if it ways putting your coworker in a bad position. This might experience incorrect, but yous've been put in a tough spot. At that place is no like shooting fish in a barrel effect to that situation, but in that location is a right 1.

Yous willencounter compromising situations in life…

…but with a arrangement of personal values in place, the decisions you lot make become easier.

5 Unproblematic Steps to Defining Your Personal Values

Now that you know what values are and why they are important, you can begin the procedure of defining your unique set of core values.

Follow these v steps below to begin the process of defining your personal values.

Here are 5 simple steps how to define your personal values:

1. Notice Your Zen

Deciding on your list of personal values is an important merely circuitous process. It'south not something you can do subsequently a 12-hour shift or a night of rampage drinking.

Information technology's best to give yourself several hours on a day off to detect your zen.

Relax in your favorite chair. Get for a run. Sit on your deck. Set yourself upwardly to let uninterrupted thoughts to period.

I also recommend that you take something with you lot to record your thoughts. For this, y'all could employ a smartphone or a proficient, erstwhile-fashioned pen and notebook.

One time you find your zen, you need to:

2. Examine Your Groundwork

Values are like your grandfather's Rolex—they should be passed downward and cherished.

Culture and family are forever. Those two things should shape who you are as a man. Unlike your grandfather's Rolex, family and culture are 2 things that money can't buy.

Examine your background to embody the spirit of your family. Include their traditions, strengths, weaknesses, quirks, habits, and tendencies.

Inquire yourself these two questions:

What personal values does my family hold?

Before you lot can define your own set of values, y'all must recognize the values your family holds.

Mayhap you had a nifty grandfather who immigrated to North America, started his own business organisation, and kept it going throughout the Great Low.

He passed his values of hard work, diversity, and perseverance to your grandfather, who passed them to your father, who passed them down to you.

In that location is always a core influence behind the values you hold, but yous demand to place where they came from in order to keep passing them along.

What personal values do I want to pass forth to my children?

After you take identified the values passed on to you from your family, you have to decide which values you want to laissez passer on to your children.

It may feel like this is too far down the road, but information technology'due south non.

You will be ane of the biggest influences your children have. Make sure your personal values are those y'all will be comfortable passing down the family line.


Ask yourself how you'll make sure your children receive these values.

Maybe you assistance them start and grow their own business in high school. Maybe you take them with you to volunteer at a soup kitchen.

Practise whatsoever it takes to make sure that your important family values are not lost.

Earlier we continue, I imagine some people might exist thinking:

What if I don't know my family unit or its history? Or what if my family'due south history and values are…bad?

If you look at your family background and don't like what you meet, y'all tin can start something not bad for yourself.

The burden is on you to make sure your children larn a strong fix of values.

The fact that you're creating your own value system from scratch should inspire you to work even harder during the examination procedure.

three. Examine your influences

Information technology should be pretty like shooting fish in a barrel to identify who you expect up to. Who are your mentors?

Jay Gatsby, the protagonist in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, wasn't born a cultured man. Dan Cody taught him how to be one.

Although we all can't exist lucky enough to exist whisked away on a 10-year yacht voyage, well-nigh of united states of america have a mentor who has helped to shape us into the man we are today. Sometimes, that human being is a male parent. Other times, information technology's a boss or friend.

More difficult than the who is the why. Ask yourself:

Why do I look up to this person?

I'm sure you'll detect that there are very specific things that stand up out equally y'all answer this.

What makes them unique? Notice how they react in tough situations, how they atomic number 82 or follow, and how they treat others.

What values guide their actions?

In one case you examine how your role models act, try to determine what values guide them.

Maybe you lot can recognize that no thing how bad a situation gets, your boss never loses his cool. Instead, he rolls upward his sleeves and tackles the problem caput-on.

It's safe to say that your boss likely values perseverance, patience, and poise.

Mayhap these are values yous will want to focus on besides.

4. Examine your choices

If you have not chiseled your own core values into stone, examining the choices you've made in life tin can help you to meliorate define them.

Inquire yourself:

Who are my closest friends?

Your friends are a reflection of the type of person you are…whether you like it or non.

Examine your friendships—how they started and why they have endured. Often, you share similar values with those you are closest to.

How practise I reply to hardship or good fortune?

The mode y'all react to challenging emotional situations tin can shed light on the type of values you lot hold. Some people meet hardship with negative emotion, while others put on a game face in order to tackle it directly.

How do I care for others effectually me?

Examine how you interact with people.

The mode y'all form relationships with other people is a good indicator of your personal values.

If you're the kind of guy who always makes the grouping laugh, humour might be one of your personal values.

Or, if y'all prefer to help people solve their problems, you might highly value logic.

5. Brainstorm

Retrieve when teachers would have you make weird lists and describe bubbles before deciding on which essay topic to write about?

If you're like me, this step of the planning process frustrated you.

But here's the thing:

It's crucial to begin important decisions. Take that pen and paper (or smartphone) and begin listing values that come up to you.

As you lot do, continue in listen that you lot are using your groundwork, by choices, and influences to form this list.

If yous terminate upwards with an extensive lineup, that's ok! It may be necessary to weed through your listing and concentrate on the 10 or 20 values that are mostimportant to you.

Don't be afraid to put your listing downwardly, reflect, and come back to it some other time. This is ofttimes the best way to make important, potentially life changing decisions.

In gild to aid you come with your ain core values listing, I put together a comprehensive list of values that are common amid strong men.

A List of  Personal Values of Stiff Men (75 Values)

Here are All-time 75 List Of Personal Values:

1. Perseverance

Experts in any field will tell you they take failed more times than others have ever tried.

Don't give upwards when the going gets tough. Quitting is like a drug—information technology's very addictive.
list of personal values winston churchill

"Never ever ever ever always surrender." ~Winston Churchill

two. Logic

What do your life and stairs have in common? They both require steps.

Make up one's mind where you want to be in ten years and plan logical steps to become there. Numbers are your friend.

3. Consistency

Consistency isn't synonymous with dull. Beingness consistent gives people a sense of comfort in the decisions you make considering they tin can rely on your deportment towards them.

4. Conviction

A person with conviction believes it'due south of import to stick to your guns and follow your gut. It requires that y'all merely change your mind if it's what you truly believe in.

Information technology'southward incommunicable to learn from your mistakes if you don't take the confidence to stand by your decisions.

5. Discretion

Discretion ways behaving and speaking in a mode that avoids causing crime or revealing private information.

This is a groovy value to take in social and professional settings where you oft interact with new people.

6. Accomplishment

If you're the blazon of person who likes to set goals and plan how to attain them, then accomplishment may be one of your personal values.

Call up to always be humble virtually your accomplishments.

vii. Humor

Sense of humor tin can get a long manner in making a tough situation more than bearable. Equally with many values, know which situations are appropriate for humor, and which ones telephone call for a more reserved tone.

Humour should not be overlooked every bit a core value!

8. Acceptance

The world is filled with literally billions of people…all of whom are unique in multiple ways.

It'southward of import to be accepting of people who look or act differently than you do. Belief systems and personal upbringing are completely varied. Oftentimes, extending credence can pb to enlightenment and joy.

ix. Accountability

Accountability means facing your responsibilities and owning upwardly to your mistakes.

When y'all evidence that you lot're accountable, people will trust y'all more in the long run.

10. Honesty

Great businessmen will tell y'all that the most valuable matter you accept is your proper name. Unlike ties and pants, your reputation tin can't be hands replaced in one case soiled.

Tell the truth and keep your word, fifty-fifty if it hurts.
list of personal values warrenn buffett

"Honesty is a very expensive gift, don't wait it from cheap people." ~Warren Buffett

xi. Liberty

Freedom is a value that everyone should hold honey. Don't forget how lucky we are to take freedom.

Claiming freedom as a personal value isn't simply about beingness thankful. Information technology's about trying to accelerate liberty any time you see an opportunity.

12. Reputation

I've said it once before in this article, but information technology'due south worth stating again. Your name and reputation are hugely of import.

Diligently protecting and upholding your reputation tin go a long style toward success in life.

13. Cleanliness

If yous're like me, the state of your mind direct correlates to the land of your apartment.

If my living space is filled with clutter, you tin can bet my heed is, too.

xiv. Confidence

Some say women odor confidence on men like cologne.

If yous're confident, people are more likely to trust your decisions and give yous greater responsibleness.


At that place's a fine line betwixt confidence and arrogance.

xv. Determination

Determination means not giving up when things go tough.

If you make a conscious decision to face a tough situation head-on, yous'll notice that time changes them into something to overcome rather than just being hardships.

16. Diversity

Nosotros often learn the most from those who differ from us in culture, race, or beliefs.

Holding diverseness as a core value ways more than just acknowledging that cultures and traditions differ from your own.

Information technology meansstriving to betrayal yourself to those various experiences.

17. Resilience

Remember the toy monster truck you lot got for Christmas in 1998 that bankrupt the second you took it exterior?

No one enjoys toys that aren't resilient…

…and the same goes for people.

If you lot're the type of person that bends rather than breaks, and always recovers apace, resilience might be 1 of your personal values.

eighteen. Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is similar to determination.

If you practise enthusiasm in challenging situations, they tend to lose some of their difficulty.

So much of what nosotros practise is about mindset. If you arroyo a situation with enthusiasm, the effect will often be positive also.

19. Simplicity

Sometimes things seem complicated, and it's oft because we make them that way.

If yous're the type of person who appreciates a minimalist arroyo to life, simplicity might be i of your cadre values.

20. Generosity

If y'all're lucky enough to be successful in life, don't forget to give back to the globe that allowed you to reach that success.

Even if you don't achieve wealth and fame, requite willingly to help others. Giving things similar your time, energy, and compassion tin can evidence that you value generosity.
list of personal values andrew carnegie

"Wealth is not to feed our egos, but to feed the hungry and to help people help themselves." ~Andrew Carnegie

21. Intuition

Intuition basically means to become with your gut.

Some people make great decisions naturally, without many facts to aid them. These people have peachy intuition.

Know yourself and your track record before you lot make up one's mind that intuition is ane of your cadre values.

22. Power

You require ability—and that does not brand you some sort of super-villain.

Power is a motivating value that, when used properly, can be very helpful to your career and personal life.

23. Faith

In a nutshell, faith means believing everything is going to piece of work out in the end. Information technology tin also hateful that you believe in something much greater than yourself.

Faith is such a hard value to define because it means something different to so many people.

No matter what you believe, make sure you lot use that belief to guide your decisions.

24. Freshness

I'grand not talking about vegetables here, guys.

Freshness ways finding new experiences and challenges in life. Some people are comforted by routines…quite happy to never leave their urban center.

If freshness is a cadre value, you're not 1 of those people.

25. Balance

Balance is an understated value that every man should consider adding to his list. This value refers to not letting any single thing dominate your life. Rather, it keeps stress in check and makes sure personal enjoyment a priority.

Make sure you devote balanced time to piece of work, family, friends, and play.

26. Mastery

As a rule of pollex, every man should be a master at something.

Whether it's business, fine art, or music, find a skill or hobby that makes you lot happy, and piece of work to master information technology.

27. Dreaming

Dreaming and imagination oft go mitt in hand in the value lineup of artistic men.

Dreams shouldn't be things that come to yous in the night and fade into distant memory. Some of the nigh important inventions in our history started as dreams.

Does inspiration strike when you let your heed wander? If and so, dreaming may be a cadre value of yours.

28. Hygiene

For those who maintain hygiene as a deep-rooted value, information technology is not just virtually social credence. They pride themselves in every aspect of personal care.

For instance, not just does flossing prevent bad breath, but scientists likewise recollect information technology may forbid heart disease. This is but one example of why hygiene might deserve to be a core value.

29. Happiness

Happiness seems like a value that would automatically be included on anybody'south list.

Who doesn't want to be happy, right?

Know what things make y'all happy, and frame your life around those things.

30. Daring

Daring means taking risks. You lot can't go through life agape to swing the bat considering, if you exercise, yous'll never hit a domicile run.

If you possess the value of daring, you are the type of person who follows their gut and has a loftier run a risk tolerance when making life decisions.

The person who values daring can besides experience huge payoffs.
list of personal values wayne gretzky

"You lot miss 100% of the shots you don't have." ~Wayne Gretzky

31. Aggressiveness

Aggressiveness isn't necessarily synonymous with violence. If yous value aggressiveness, it may simply mean that y'all act quickly and with force.

Aggressive decision makers know what they want, and practice any information technology takes to get it.

This value is peculiarly helpful in a business or athletic setting where competitive stakes are high.

32. At-home

Being calm goes hand in hand with logic. It's hard to make proficient decisions when you lot're aroused or stressed out.

Learn how to take a step dorsum from a state of affairs and just relax.

If you lot can do this, yous will experience better and take a gamble to make amend decisions virtually the things that truly matter.

33. Imagination

Imagination may seem like something you are expected to allow go when you enter into adulthood, but that is not the case!

In fact, a skilful imagination tin can be 1 of the most crucial components to a successful business.

In a twenty-four hour period and age where it seems like everything has been done before, don't be afraid to retrieve outside of the box.

34. Playfulness

No ane should be serious all the fourth dimension.

If you're the type of person who appreciates taking a suspension to goof around or let your mind relax, playfulness may be ane your core values.

35. Intelligence

Be careful with this one.

Valuing intelligence does non mean that yous consider yourself to exist extremely smart. It actually means that y'all constantly strive to gain and apply knowledge.

Make sure yous know the difference between acting intelligently and but acting.

36. Dynamism

Dynamism comes from the work dynamic, which means "constant change, activity, or progress."

A person who is dynamic tin can quickly and successfully adapt to new situations, no matter what challenges they face. They tend to thrive in chaotic environments.

Retrieve: human pocket-knife.

37. Take chances

When you look back on the past five years, practice you retrieve:

The times you spent watching Television?


The times you spent out travelling, hiking, kayaking, etc.?

Memories aside, men who actively seek risk, lead much richer, more than exciting lives.

38. Approachability

This value is especially important to those in leadership roles, whether at work or home.

Y'all want people to experience like they can come to you with problems or concerns they have.

People who value approachability are frequently given growing responsibleness in the workplace considering they easily proceeds the trust of others.

39. Wealth

A lot of people will say you can do things for love or money, simply not both.

Really, that is not true.

Valuing wealth does not mean yous're selfish. Many people who value wealth do and so every bit a fashion to provide for their families. Others seek wealth so they can live in greater peace.

xl. Originality

This is a value for the more artistic and artistic type.

If originality is one of your cadre values, you tend to stray from the crowd. Like many values on the list, this one comes naturally.

Be conscientious not to try as well hard to exist original. What seems original to y'all might seem abrasive or lame to others.
list of personal values winston churchill

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." ~Oscar Wilde

41. Poise

Poise ways staying calm and balanced when faced with tough situations. It means never letting your emotions go the better of yous.

Strive to stay poised, and people will trust and rely on you more speedily.

42. Growth

Information technology's important to never settle in life.

Humans take many different aspects to their personalities, and growth is possible in all of them.

If yous're the type of person who looks for lessons in your past mistakes, growth may be one of your personal values.

43. Patience

Time is often the only affair information technology takes for a situation to piece of work out in your favor.

Though patience is often considered to be an attribute of the onetime, it does not hurt to do this core value as a immature person.

44. Obedience

Obedience is not synonymous with being weak or timid, though it is frequently thought of in those terms.

Not every state of affairs calls for dominance.

There is great value in knowing how to follow directions, especially in the workplace or when one of your mentors gives advice.

45. Bravery

Bravery is not true bravery until it is put to the exam.

But, existence dauntless isn't ever nigh facing danger and impairment.

Sometimes, being brave means standing alone to make the tough decisions. Others might go mad at you lot. Regardless, being brave always means doing the correct thing.

46. Peace

Peace is one of those words than tin refer to many different things.

Although information technology is commendable to strive for earth peace, information technology is much more than plausible for a homo to reach inner peace.

Inner peace means existence comfy with yourself and those effectually you lot, and living life with no regrets.

47. Objectivity

Objectivity means existence able to look at a situation from a purely logical position, without letting personal involvement or emotions influence your perspective.

Objectivity is extremely valuable in a piece of work surroundings, where you're often confronted with conflicting situations.

48. Fitness

Fettle isn't oftentimes idea of as a value, but it should be. If your body is salubrious, your mind volition follow suit.

Centering your life on wellness and fitness makes it easier to attend to the other values on your list.

49. Silence

Not every occasion calls for words.

A good man knows when to talk and when to heed.

I could go on and on with quotes here, but the message would be the same. Sometimes information technology's of import to shut your mouth and embrace the silence.

If you're energized past periods of silence, and so information technology might exist one of your cadre values.

50. Tradition

Traditions are almost more than celebrations, songs, and other rituals. Traditions are about carrying on the spirit of past generations while acknowledging where we come up from.

Although tradition can be one of the nigh powerful values, always be mindful of the traditions you lot hold.

Just because something is a tradition doesn't mean it's a good one.
list of personal values w somerset maugham

"Tradition is a guide and non a jailer." ~W. Somerset Maugham

51. Collaboration

In many situations, difficult tasks are easiest to attain when you lot work with others. Don't shy away from the chance to combine minds and achieve something great.

Consider The Beatles…or whatever other famous band.

Collaboration is an especially important value for creatives.

52. Organization

If your concrete possessions are organized, then it will exist much easier to organize your thoughts and prioritize your responsibilities.

Don't overlook this much-neglected but important value.

53. Frugality

Would yous like to be wealthy one solar day? If you're similar virtually Americans, the surest path to wealth is i of smart and conservative spending.

For many, this isn't an easy thing to do. But at that place are some people who have a naturally frugal mindset.

54. Self-Awareness

Self-awareness means knowing yourself, how others see you, how you respond in different situations, and why you react the way you do.

Self-awareness allows you to recognize when you've messed up, and helps you identify how to gear up your mistakes.

This is perhaps ane of the well-nigh important personal values.

55. Professionalism

This value goes hand in hand with punctuality, and can be used as a guiding mantra for your life.

True…many personal situations don't telephone call for you to exist professional person similar you would be at piece of work. But knowing how to act professionally can help you be more polite, courteous, and dependable…and those are bully qualities no matter where you are!

56. Feel

If yous value experience, you lot look at life as a series of opportunities for growth.

Information technology also means that you recognize the value of different experiences, whether good or bad.

Experience is necessary for another value on the list: wisdom.

57. Wisdom

Wisdom is a word that oftentimes gets misunderstood. Wisdom is not simply knowledge. It'south knowledge tempered with time.

If you value wisdom, you value the importance of reflecting on different life experiences, hoping to learn from each ane.

58. Politeness

Politeness is another frequently-disregarded personal value.

Not just volition it aid you gain more than friends, but information technology volition ensure that you lot make peachy first impressions.

59. Fairness

Every homo has heard his mom say, "life isn't fair."

But that shouldn't cease you from trying to go far that way.

Existence fair goes a long mode toward establishing other values, like trust and confidence.

60. Pedagogy

Gaining a higher education is one of the all-time means for someone who comes from nothing to achieve nifty success and wealth.

Do not underestimate the power of teaching. More importantly, realize that you're never too former to learn. Education should exist a lifelong attempt for all men.
list of personal values nelson mandela

"Education is the near powerful weapon which yous can employ to alter the globe." ~Nelson Mandela

61. Sincerity

At that place's nil worse than a fake person, and they are pretty easy to spot. Merely put, sincerity is beingness real.

If you lot're sincere, you speak your mind from an authentic place, and you do this even if it might not be the almost pleasant thought or opinion.

62. Punctuality

Do non underestimate the importance of being on time. This value often goes hand in paw with others' ability to depend on you.

63. Justice

If you value justice, you strive for liberty and fairness.

Justice is an important value because, by acting according to what's fair, you gain trust and demonstrate responsibleness. A merely human being also deals with compassionately with others.

64. Rest

This is some other value that may seem counterintuitive, but knowing when to rest your listen and torso helps to protect many aspects of who you are.

If your body and listen are tired, yous may not make smart decisions. Rest is an of import value to consider.

65. Conservation

Conservation means keeping things the way they should be—and information technology doesn't just refer to the environment.

If you value conservation, y'all may be more content than nigh. You exercise not consume for the sake of it, but choose to live in a thoughtful manner.

This value is very important considering things are rapidly changing, often due to negative influences such as pollution and corrupt politicians.

66. Longevity

This is another value that is easy to talk about, but much more difficult to live.

If you value longevity, you likely too value health and fitness.

While longevity simply ways living for a long time, information technology'southward living longer in society to exist with your loved ones that means the nearly.

67. Community

Those who value community nearly likely take warm memories of their hometown, church, school, etc.

As adults, they might volunteer to help others, too.

Don't slack on giving back to the places that made you who you are. Strive to create a sense of customs wherever you get.

68. Dependability

Are you someone that ever sticks to your word and is there for others when times get difficult?

If so, dependability may exist ane of your core values.

69. Frankness

People commonly capeesh someone who is able to speak their mind.

Being frank can help to get you out of tough situations and clear up awkward misunderstandings. While not everyone appreciates the concept that "honesty is the best policy," those who value frankness would have it no other manner.

70. Creativity

Thinking exterior the box is one of the nigh valuable skills necessary to confront the curveballs life throws your mode.

Great men aren't agape to get creative and challenge the normal ways of doing things.

71. Consideration

Every bit we grow up, we learn that the world does non revolve around us.

It'south important to treat everyone with consideration and respect, even if they don't offering you the same courtesy.

72. Open up-Mindedness

Learning to accept new ideas is the mark of a humble and learned man.

Being stubborn and closed-minded is not impressive to anyone. As a matter of fact, close-mindedness is often a marking of immaturity.

Aristotle said, "It is the marker of an educated heed to be able to entertain a thought without accepting information technology."

73. Modesty

Men who value modesty don't brag…they let their actions and appearance speak for them.

Talking about your accomplishments doesn't make you accomplished. Information technology makes yous seem insecure.

74. Optimism

The term "mind over matter" does not simply refer to monks bending spoons.  Controlling your mindset is the most important factor in any task you encounter.

If you're optimistic almost the outcome, you will accomplish stellar results.

75. Action

Ideas are a dime a dozen…

…but it is activeness that separates high achievers from the rest of the crowd. If y'all value action, y'all're unafraid to brand the big decisions necessary to execute your ideas.
list of personal values ralph waldo emerson

"An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

In Conclusion

I desire to stress that this list of values is exactly that—a list. Your list of core values is a very personal, individualized formula for success in life.

Information technology is not meant to be something you can simply prefer without following the v steps outlined in a higher place. Anyone tin make a list, merely not everyone can stick to it. There are two main types of people: talkers and doers.

Which blazon of person are you?


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