What Is the Difference in Green and Blue Xanax Footballs

Xanax (Alprazolam) is a powerful and highly addictive drug from the class of benzodiazepines, which can exist prescribed by doctors to care for anxiety, phobias, and panic disorders. The medication was start introduced in the mid-1970s. It has get the most highly prescribed benzodiazepine in the United States, with most fifty meg prescriptions written each twelvemonth. In fact, Alprazolam is prescribed twice as oft as other well-known benzodiazepines such every bit Klonopin, Valium, and Ativan.

Xanax confined come in a variety of shapes, colors, and strengths. Read on to find out how to identify these pills, what the different colors hateful, and how to spot fake Xanax.

Different Colors Of Xanax Confined

Alprazolam is a powerful drug with a number of short-term and long-lasting health furnishings. It is available in an enormous diversity of shapes, sizes, and colors. This is because each manufacturer wishes to make their pills unique and gives them a characteristic shape and color.

The pill color is unremarkably due to FDA-approved colorants. It is a skillful idea to be aware of different colors and shapes of Alprazolam. This is useful in identifying suspected habit in a friend or a member of the family.

Green Xanax Bar

Several different pharmaceutical companies produce this form of medication. Each manufacturer imprints the pills with their unique characteristics. Greenish pills are similar in strength to white and yellow Xanax bars and typically contain two mg. Therefore, the effects of the light-green pills are the same every bit those seen with yellow and white bars.

Dark-green pills are available in rectangular, oval, triangular, and round shapes, usually in doses of ii mg to 3 mg. In the oval shape, they are known as greenish football Xanax with a strength of 1 mg. Other street names include green oval and light-green monster Alprazolam. Hulk Xanax is a tedious-release form with lower sedation effects. The triangular green pills have a strength of three mg, and this is the strongest dose available. In general, green pills are considered stronger than white ones. The green color of the pills comes from FDA-approved colorants. Many users written report light-green bars are the most effective. Greenish pills are manufactured by pharmaceutical majors such as Actavis, DAVA, Pfizer, and Mylan.

Green Xanax Bars

Pink Bar

This is a dosage course of alprazolam with a force of iii mg, which is considered a loftier dose. These circular or oval-shaped pink pills resemble a football. This type is non widely produced. Pink alprazolam is legally available by doc-authorized prescription only, but many people with a benzodiazepine addiction purchase it on the street or obtain it from friends and family unit members.

Pink Xanax Bar.

White Xanax Bar

These are rectangular bars that comprise ii mg of the active ingredient and go by the street name sticks. White is the most mutual colour for medications. Many pharmaceutical companies around the globe produce tablets of this color. This form of the drug produces strong sedation within minutes of being consumed. The bar is typically marked with scores to make information technology easy for the user to split into smaller portions. Because white Xanax confined have such a high strength, it is not appropriate to quit them common cold turkey considering this can produce dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Each manufacturer puts their ain unique imprint on the confined, for case, Thou 372 2 or X ANA X two. White pills are too available in round, rectangular, oval, and five-sided shapes with strength varying from 0.25 mg to 2 mg.

White Xanax bars.

Yellow Xanax Bar

This type of pill is the generic form of the drug and sometimes has the number 039 imprinted on it. The force of xanthous Xanax bars is 2 mg, and they are like in effect to the white-colored ones. The colour divergence is due to the tablets being manufactured by unlike companies. The street name for this type of alprazolam includes yellow school coach on account of the color and shape.

Yellow xanax bars.

Blue Xanax Bar

Most blue Xanax pills contain 1 mg of alprazolam, except for the 2 mg bar. Users can intermission the pills in half to consume a 0.5 mg dose. These pills are schedule Four controlled substances bachelor by prescription only. The circular blue Xanax pill of 1 mg strength is imprinted with 031 R by manufacturer Actavis. The blue color of these tablets comes from some inactive ingredients that are used every bit fillers. These colors are FDA-approved and are safe for human consumption. Blue football game Alprazolam gets its proper noun from the oblong shape that is easy to ingest.

Blue Xanax bars.

Peach Xanax Bar

Likewise known as orangish Alprazolam, this is a lower dose of the drug and is unremarkably oval or football-shaped. Pfizer manufactures elliptical/oval alprazolam in orange-colored pills of 0.v mg strength. It is widely produced in doses ranging from 0.five mg to 2 mg and is typically prescribed for less severe pain.

Peach Xanax bars.

Purple Xanax Bar

This is a pop class of medication manufactured past Pfizer. These round pills contain 2 mg of alprazolam and have the proper noun of the drug and A23 imprinted on them. For anxiety disorders, the ordinarily prescribed dose is 0.25 or 0.5 mg. The maximum dose corresponds to about 2 purple Alprazolam footballs. Equally with all forms of alprazolam, this drug is contraindicated in pregnant women or women who are chest-feeding, people with narrow-angle glaucoma, individuals with severe kidney or liver disease, and people with allergies to other benzodiazepines. Alprazolam is not prescribed to children and should be used with circumspection in elderly patients.

Purple Xanax bars.

Liquid Alprazolam: How Is Information technology Different From Pills?

There is a liquid course of alprazolam available, although information technology is not widely prescribed. Each mL of the liquid contains two mg of Alprazolam. This is an alternate grade of ingesting the drug, which produces the aforementioned effects as the tablets. Liquid Alprazolam is prescribed for generalized anxiety disorders, depression, panic disorders, insomnia, and sometimes also for booze withdrawal symptoms.

To ingest liquid alprazolam, information technology is more often than not recommended to mix the medication in absurdity, pudding, or a beverage. The ii should exist combined just before consumption and non in advance. The liquid course is faster interim than the pill form as it is absorbed more readily. The canteen of medication must be refrigerated to maintain its efficacy. A common medication mistake is measuring out the liquid drug in a regular spoon. It is important to mensurate the medicine in a special spoon or loving cup for dose accurateness. Liquid alprazolam can be ingested with or without nutrient.

Xanax Bars Explained

There are many dissimilar types of Alprazolam pills bachelor by prescription and on the street. These are classified according to their strength or dosage. This is a potent medication that is prescribed in different doses to treat various mental health disorders. A Xanax pill press is a die set that is used to make perfectly shaped tablets.

Bar refers to the pill shape when it is long and thin. This is a specific form of the medication that contains a 2-mg dose. Therefore, the thin, long bar-shaped tablet contains a relatively high dose. In fact, it is the highest dosage form bachelor other than a 3-mg extended-release tablet. The bar is scored into four smaller sections. This allows users to intermission the tablet and ingest a smaller fraction of the dose at any given time.

A Xanax bar contains two to four times the dose of medicine typically required to treat anxiety. Bars allow users to save coin as they are cheaper than purchasing pills with a precise dose. Genuine bars take a characteristic scored appearance. Users who wish to take a smaller dose can suspension the bar into portions. Individuals who want to take a 2-mg dose can consume the entire bar.

Some Mutual Street Names and Slang Terms For Xanax Confined Are:

  • Zanzibars
  • Zanbars
  • Xanbars
  • Zanies
  • Planks

Simulated Xanax

When Alprazolam is used correctly, it is relatively safe. Still, simulated Xanax is not safe at all. Moreover, information technology has been manufactured to seem like to the original. People may purchase fake Xanax Bars on the street because information technology can be easier and cheaper to obtain. The reason why faux Alprazolam is then dangerous is that it often contains an ingredient called Fentanyl. Fentanyl is an opioid that is 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine. And then, when people take fake drug laced with Fentanyl, it tin cause Alprazolam overdoses easily.

Signs Of Taking a Fake Xanax Bar Laced With Fentanyl Include:

  • Limp body
  • Labored, shallow, or difficulty breathing
  • Airsickness
  • Lips, fingers, or face turning blueish
  • Clammy skin
  • Pinpoint pupils
  • Convulsions
  • Death rattle (labored exhale that may resemble snoring)

How to Avert the Fake Xanax Bar?

The best and well-nigh obvious manner to avoid fake Xanax confined is to accept the medication prescribed past a physician and purchased from a licensed chemist's. If one buys annihilation on the street claimed to be Alprazolam, it could easily be a faux Xanax bar. This means that at that place is a perfect chance that information technology could be laced with Fentanyl and could potentially kill.

There is no mode to know with one hundred percent certainty that a drug bought on the street is real. So, when it comes to purchasing real vs. fake Xanax, the only way to do this is never to buy drugs on the street. Even if Alprazolam is bought with a prescription, a dangerous habit however may develop. So, the best route to take is to avert Alprazolam altogether if possible.

Taking The Medication Safely

Like whatsoever medication, Alprazolam can cause different side furnishings, but the risks are lower if taken co-ordinate to the prescription. It is vital to know the shapes and strengths of unlike Xanax bars to avoid taking too much. Some other take a chance is encountering imitation Xanax, which tin lead to devastating consequences. Many people buy Alprazolam on the street because information technology is relatively cheaper. However, knockoff street drugs that are manufactured in undercover and illicit labs can easily issue in death.

If someone is abusing Alprazolam without a medico's prescription, it is important to get information technology out of the system nether medical supervision. The detoxification process depends on the elapsing, frequency, and dose being abused. Doctors slowly wean off the drug over a period of weeks. Information technology usually takes about one calendar week for the medication to be completely removed from the torso. Trained staff tin aid addicts cope with withdrawal symptoms and provide medications for comfort. Further into the detoxification process, the focus shifts from physical symptoms to addressing the addiction's root crusade. Techniques such as group and individual counseling and cognitive behavior therapy are used to encourage positive behaviors.

Page Sources

  1. U.Southward. Food and Drug Administration. half-dozen Tips to Avoid Medication Mistakes. 2015. https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/6-tips-avert-medication-mistakes
  2. Carroll County Health Department. Alert: Counterfeit Street Pills and Fentanyl-Related Overdoses in Carroll County. https://cchd.maryland.gov/alert-apocryphal-street-pills-and-fentanyl-related-overdoses-in-carroll-county/
  3. U.S. National Library of Medicine, Alprazolam, 2020. https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a684001.html
  4. Tobin T. George; Jayson Tripp, Alprazolam, 2020. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK538165/

Published on: November 16th, 2016

Updated on: June 7th, 2022

Nena Messina, Ph.D.

Nena Messina is a specialist in drug-related domestic violence. She devoted her life to the study of the connection between crime, mental health, and substance abuse. Apart from her work equally direction at addiction center, Nena regularly takes part in the educational plan as a lecturer.

Medically Reviewed by

Michael Espelin APRN

8 years of nursing experience in wide variety of behavioral and addition settings that include developed inpatient and outpatient mental health services with substance apply disorders, and geriatric long-term care and hospice care.  He has a particular interest in psychopharmacology, nutritional psychiatry, and culling treatment options involving particular vitamins, dietary supplements, and administering auricular acupuncture.


Source: https://addictionresource.com/drugs/xanax/different-colored-bars/

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